Macau, an enclave in the South China coast, had been administered by the Portuguese since 1557 until 20th December 1999, the date when it was returned to and became a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Macau SAR comprises the peninsula of Macau (7.62 sq Km), the island of Taipa (5.69 sq Km) and the island of Coloane (8.07 sq Km), making up a total area of 21,41 sq Km. Macau was the oldest and the last European settlement in China. Although small in terms of land area, it has a rich historical and cultural background, inhabited by a laborious and creative population of about 450.000 residents. After transition of administration, on 20th December, 1999, the Macau Basic Law became the fundamental law of this Special Administrative Region and which Law grants high degree of autonomy to the local residents to administrate this Region.

In 1980, a group of Architects mainly self-employed professionals founded the MACAU ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE.

At a General Meeting held in 1988, the members present thereat had unanimously resolved to amend the by-laws of the Association in order to allow all Architects, either working in the private or in the public sector, such as civil servants, to be entitled to become a Member. Consequently, the name of the Association was changed to ASSOCIACAO DOS ARQUITECTOS DE MACAU ("AAM"). With such an amendment and adoption of the new name, a total of 59 Architects, both from private and public sectors, became Members of AAM.

In 1989, an application was made for admission to UIA and in May 1990 AAM became a full member, as a Territorial Section, in the Montreal XVIII UIA Assembly, and was represented in the UIA working group for the Educational and Cultural Spaces. In 1991, an application was also made for admission to ARCASIA and AAM had been invited to attend its Council meeting in Agra. In the meeting held in Beijing, in 1992, AAM was admitted as member of ARCASIA. AAM has established also relationship with national institutes of Portuguese Speaking Countries and presently is a Member of CIALP (International Council of Portuguese Speaking Architects), which comprises all national institutes of Architects from Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor and Macau.

澳 門 建 築 師 協 會 2015 - 2017年 組 織 架 構 成 員 名 單
Lista dos Orgãos Sociais da AAM 2015-2017
List of AAM Councils 2015-2017


會員大會  Mesa da Assembleia Geral / General Assembly

主席 Presidente / President    
梁頌衍 Ben Leong Chong In

副主席 Vice Presidente / Vice President    
鄭冠偉 Paulo Cheang Kun Wai

秘書 Secretários / Secretaries    
雷世顯 Joe Loi Sai Hin
黃燕雅 Carman Wong In Nga

候補秘書 Suplente / Substitute
楊燕玲 Yvonne Ieong In Leng

理事會 Direcção / Board of Directors

理事長 Presidente / President
黃中原 Johnathan Wong Chung Yuen

副理事長 Vice Presidentes / Vice Presidents    
譚志煒 Tam Chi Wai
何培基 Jay Ho Pui Kei
鄔劍琴 Donna Wu Kim Kam

理事 Vogais / Members    
孔憲成 Vincent Kong Hin Seng
張巧娟 Mimi Cheung Hau Kuen
蘇偉圖 Nuno Soares
姚穎心 Alice Iu Wing Sam
歐陽勇 Victor Ao Ieong Iong
蔡韻璇 Christine Choi Wan Sun
吳進發 Rex Ng Chon Fat
黎光豪 Ryan Lai Kong Hou
黎冠鋒 Manuel Lai Kun Fong

後補理事 Suplentes / Substitutes
梁頌燊 Ryan Leong Chong San
梁子健 Leong Chi Kin

監事會 Conselho Fiscal / Supervisory Board

監事長 Presidente / President
黃如楷 Eddie Wong Yue Kai
副監事長 Vice Presidente / Vice President    
莫啟光 Harry Mok Kai Kong
監事 Vogais / Members
龍發枝 Dennio Long Fat Chi
鄭桂妮 Nicole Cheang Kuai Nei
Francisco Ricarte

後補監事 Suplente / Substitute
甘鳳華 Vivien Kam Fong Wa

資深委員會 Conselho Geral

主席 Presidente / President
馬若龍 Calos Marreiros
秘書 Secretário / Secretary
馬斯華 José Maneiras