President's Message
Dear members of AAM, colleagues and friends,
I am extremely honored to have been re-elected as AAM’s President of Board of Directors by the General Assembly. This is an honor and recognition to the board’s work for the past term, as well an encouragement for the board to continue serving AAM and Macau community; promote design for humanity’s future and to build for a better city.
The last two years seems to have converged into one. The new role has given me a deeper perspective on the importance of AAM’s role in the Architecture Community, and the high commitments of our past leaders. Personally, being departed from Macau for decades and emerging back as an Architect has straggles. From joining AAM as an ordinary member, AAM has supported my Architectural professional development in many aspects, and I deeply appreciate the opportunity and hope to continue this for our members.
Key summary of last Term (2019-2021)
• Professional Development: Wide range of CPD Seminar and Courses, Regulation workshops,
• External Affairs: Higher Involvement of Committee Delegates in ArcAsia and UIA
• Local Affairs: Consistent communication with affiliates and government
• Competitions: Young Architect’s Competition, Photography Competitions
• Exhibitions: CADSA, Young Architect’s Competition
• AM Magazine: Delivery aboard to 20+ Affiants Architects Associations
• Members: Introduction of Member’s Benefits, Online Platform for registration, information, and campaigns
• Establishment of Webinar and online events system
The above continue to strengthen AAM’s value and allow us to move forward even further.
Moving Forward (2021-2023)
The Board will work together harmoniously and effectively. With the same vision, we will continue to increase our value to the community through advocacy, supporting Architects at all levels and strive for opportunity for Architectural Excellence in the community. Due to Covid, our physically connection with aboard has been limited for the past two years, it is a critical time for us to continue our professional development to prepare ourselves for the post-covid challenge. Beside the on-going works of AAM, we will put focus on:
• Continue to advocate to government at all levels in support of architects and architecture
• Bespoke short courses for Macau Architect to development professional knowledge in specific areas
• CPD Series: Local Site Walks to enhance Architectural Experience
• Young Architect – Encourage involvement from young Architects for sustainable growth
• Engagement of Students in local community – Cultivate local talents
It is big responsibility to ensure our works align and are effectively executed, this can only achieve with contributions from our supporting parties; Government departments, AAM members, Affiliate associations, Sponsors, and Collaborators.
From within the association, I would like to specifically thank the board of directors whom have continued to contribute with their high commitment to enable where we are at today.
To the Presidents of General Assembly, Supervisory Board and Fellow Member Council; Arch. Ben Leong, Arch. Eddie Wong, and Arch. Carlos Marreiros. Their leadership, support, and wisdom continue to strive AAM to promote advancement to the architecture profession of Macau.
To all our members, thank you for your active participations, voices, and opinions. This is a collective effort and with collection of materials, we can ensure our works include your voices. Hereby would like to encourage to all AAM members to continue voicing and collectively we built for a better city.
Lastly, I would like to put a note on technology implementation. We are in an era of rapid technology advancement, we are required to implementation technology on all levels to advance and leverage our works operation, design process, construction technology etc. If you have ideas and interest of certain aspect, please let us know.
That’s all from me for now.
Regards as always,
Christine Choi
President of Board of Directors (2021-2023)
The Architects Association of Macau – AAM