
施 宣民畢業於台灣東海大學建築系並取得美國紐約州立大學建築碩士學位,早期在美國從事建築師,後期還介入建築工程擔任項目管理工作。汲取以往三十年從事建築 設計、工程管理及建築電腦資訊領域的工作經驗,最近在2011年加入GIS團隊(中華公共工程資訊學會),配合主持台北市BIM輔助建照審查計畫案、擔任 新北市政府工務局BIM入門培訓計畫案主持人等,同時擔任輔導建築事務所BIM轉型顧問工作。
電腦軟件的推陳出新,不但能勝任建築設計和繪圖工 作,更能發展成一套完善的項目管理系統,既能統籌各建築工種的圖紙設計,可儘早在圖紙上解決施工沖突問題,更能為工程項目的預算、工程管理等高階工作有所 強化。可以說誰能熟練掌握有關軟件系統,誰就能對建築項目更有話語權。建築師倘能更早利用BIM,可避免受其他工種人員、施工單位以至業主等的制肘。

18th December, 2015

AAM hosted another seminar for the continuous professional developing. Mr. Min S. M. Shih, BIM Manager of Chun Wo Building Construction Ltd. was invited to give a lecture on the topic “BIM Application and Rollover Procedure for Architectural Practice” There were more than ten participants.
Min Shih graduated from Tunghai University and got the master degree of architecture from State University of New York. He worked as an architect in USA in the early time. He also involved in building construction and was in charge of the management of projects. Having thirty-year experience in the domains of architectural design, project management and computerization for architecture, he joined into the GIS group in 2011. He handled the Taipei government job of the approval of construction licenses through BIM application and the training of the use of BIM.
The computer software has developed so fast and so well that it does not only to help the architectural design and drawing, and is also a holistic system to integrate all the drawings of different subjects, to reveal and solve the conflicts and problems in the stage of design. The software can also help to do budget and coordinate the whole construction project. If architects could use BIM as early as possible, they would have more power to control their projects.


為 響應深港城市\建築雙城雙年展(深圳)主辦方的參展邀請,2015年8月中旬,澳門特別行政區政府文化局聯同澳門建築師協會及澳門城市規劃學會合辦「二○ 一五深港城市\建築雙城雙年展(深圳)──澳門參展計劃」公開徵集活動,以鼓勵本澳有意參加的策展人或策展單位踴躍提交參展計劃。於九月中完成徵集並收到 四份參展計劃。
深圳市公共藝術中心主任及城市設計促進中心創建負責人黃偉文、香港大學建築學院副院長及城市規劃與設計系副教授陳振光、香港 Urban Discovery 創辦人及董事 Ester van Steekelenburg、澳門建築師協會大會主席及澳門城市規劃委員會委員梁頌衍,以及澳門建築師協會理事長及巴馬丹拿建築及工程有限公司(澳門分公 司)董事黃中原,五位來自澳門、香港及深圳三地專家學者組成的“澳門參展計劃評選委員會”,根據既定評分準則,包括計劃的展覽主題、其前瞻性及創意及可行 性、展品的質素及概念及規劃、策展人的經驗及承擔能力,以及參展者完成展品的能力等考慮因素進行評審及甄選。
獲勝者為“CURB - Centro de Arquitectura e Urbanismo(CURB──建築與城市規劃中心)”,其將受文化局之委託,負責策辦深圳“雙城展”中的澳門館展覽。
2015深港城市\建築雙城雙年展(深圳)定於2015年12月4日在深圳蛇口開幕,展覽主展場為改建自在蛇口片區工業遺址的原大成麵粉廠及8號倉庫,分展場則為龍崗西埔世居。展覽主題為「城市原點 Re-living the City」。

4th December, 2015

A public tender for the proposal of the Macao Pavilion in “2015 Bi-Cities Biennale of Urbanism \Architecture (Shenzhen)” was launched in the mid of August by Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau, with the co-operation of Macao Urban Planning Institute and AAM. Four proposals were received at the end of September.
The juri committee was composted of five specialists or scholars from Macao, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, i.e.: Mr. Huang Wei Wen (SZ), Mr. Roger C. K. Chan (HK), Ms. Ester van Steekelenburg (HK), Mr. Ben Leong (AAM) and Mr. Johnathan Wong (AAM).
The proposal submitted by “CURB - Centro de Arquitectura e Urbanismo” wins the project and will be committed by IC to curate and execute the exhibition of the Macao Pavilion in Shenzhen.
The inauguration of “2015 Bi-Cities Biennale of Urbanism \Architecture (Shenzhen)” takes place on December 4th, with the theme of “Re-living the City”. The main venue of the event is the site of the former Dacheng Flour Factory and 8# Warehouse located in the abandoned industrial district of Shekou, Shenzhen. The other venue is Xipu New Residence located in Longgang District, Shenzhen.


配 合《都市建築及城市規劃範疇的資格制度》的實施,澳門建築師協會繼續為會員及業界舉辦持續專業發展講座,最近進行了有關建築金屬外牆及屋面系統知識的課 程,由兩個部分組成,第一部分於2015年11月25日舉行,由中國建築金屬結構協會專家及澳門金屬結構協會秘書長彭耀光先生主講「金屬屋面能抗風嗎﹖」
以 最近於10月4日發生的颱風「彩虹」在廣東湛江登陸時對建築物外牆及屋面所造成的破壞為引子,道出現時中國地區採用金屬外牆或屋面建築物上廣泛存在的隱 患,歸納出設計、選料、質量及工藝要求等方面的成因,從而指出建立一套能滿足本地氣候和抵禦自然災害的建築標準之重要性,以至有關標準的嚴格落實推行。第 二部分於11月28日進行,學員前往位於珠海三灶的卓思建築應用科技顧問(珠海)有限公司暨港澳鋼結構行業協會產學研用中心作現場教學,由該公司總經理助 理林坤堅先生負責有關環節,透過參觀有關設備和具體的物料檢查過程,進一步加深相關課題的知識,同時由百安力輕鋼結構產品有限公司市場拓展經理梅英卓先生 為學員介紹金屬屋面的選材知識。整個課程吸引了逾20位學員出席參與。

25th November, 2015

For the applying of «Regulation of Qualifications in the Fields of Urban Planning and Construction», AAM has continued to organize a series of seminars for the continuous professional developing. Courses related to metal building envelopes system were held lately. It was composted of two sections. The first section was held on November 25th 2015, Mr. Pang Yiu Kwong, General Secretary of Macau Society of Metal Structures gave a lecture on the topic “How Metal Roofing System Performs Under Typhoon?” Through the lately case of damage of the buildings under the Typhoon which landed at Zhanjiang Guangdong on October 4th this year, Mr. Pang revealed the fact that most of the buildings with metal envelope system in China had problems. The second section of the course took place on November 28th, in the laboratory of CHESS Applied Building Technology Consultant (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd., located in Sanzao Zhuhai. Mr. Lin Kunjian, General Manager Assistant of the company was in charge of this section. Enhancing their knowledge on the metal building envelope system, it let the participants to observe the production and the examination of the materials. Mr. Eagle Mei, Marketing BD Manager of P&L Building Material Co., Ltd. Introduced the way how to select the system of metal roof. The courses attracted more than twenty participants in total.


2015 年11月11日至15日,由泰國建築師協會承辦的亞洲建築師協會第36届理事會會議暨第18届亞洲建築師論壇,在泰國古都大城府舉行,來自亞洲18個國家 及地區共三百多位建築師出席是次區域性建築師學術年會。其中澳門建築師協會派出會員大會主席梁頌衍、理事長黃中原、副理事長鄔劍琴、理事蘇偉圖、張巧娟及 會員杜潔雲共6位建築師出席是次活動。

11th - 15th November, 2015

Hosted by ASA, the 36th ARCASIA Council Meeting and the 18th ARCASIA Forum took place at Ayutthaya, Thailand on November 11th to 15th, 2015. More than 300 participants from 18 Asian countries or districts participated into the activities of the event. The AAM delegation included GA President Ar. Ben Leong, BD President Ar. Johnathan Wong, Vice President Ar. Donna Wu, board members Ar. Mimi Cheung and Ar. Nuno Soares, and AAM member Ar. Karen Tou.
The theme of the Forum was “Future of the Past”, which encourages architects to view historic buildings and cities of the world in this new light.


為 拓闊本地建築師對澳門路氹城的大型旅遊娛樂設施的認識及其相關工程施工技術,澳門建築師協會於2015年10月17日組織了一次工地考察活動,參觀即將在 2016年揭幕使用的永利皇宮設施。得到禮頓建築高級設計經理Martin Williams先生和永利設計與發展部建築師Michelle Sandquist先生的接待和現場介紹。共16位會員出席活動,當中包括梁頌衍大會主席、鄔劍琴副理事長、秘書長孔憲成、理事蘇偉圖、姚穎心及黎光豪。

17th October, 2015

With the aim to provide local architects more insight and knowledge of the megastructures of those casinos and hotel resorts in Cotai Strip and their construction methods, on October 17th 2015, AAM organized a site visit to Wynn Palace, a gaming and hotel resort which would be opened in 2016. Mr. Martin Williams, Senior Design Manager of Leighton Contractors (Asia) Ltd and Mr. Michelle Sandquist, Project Architect of Wynn Design & Development hosted this visit. Sixteen AAM members and friends participated, including AAM GA President Ben Leong, Vice BD President Donna Wu, General Secretary Vincent Kong, board members Nuno Soares, Alice Iu and Ryan Lai.


出 席嘉賓有消防局馬耀榮局長、交通事務局林衍新局長、教育暨青年局黃健武代副局長、澳門基金會行政委員黎振強、文化局文化財產廳梁惠敏代廳長、土地工務運輸 局城市規劃廳黃慧樺代廳長、民政總署代表張日華主管、澳門美高梅高級副總裁韓森先生、澳門建築師協會大會主席梁頌衍、理事長黃中原、監事長黃如楷、大會副 主席鄭冠偉等一眾監事會成員,以及本澳建築工程、城市規劃、環保產業等業界社團負責人。
黃中原理事長致歡迎詞為活動拉開序幕。隨後由出席嘉賓向 「優化南、西灣湖沿岸和周邊空間建築設計比賽」各獲獎作品參賽者頒發獎狀,協會亦同時向比賽的評審嘉賓、贊助單位和支持單位代表致送紀念品。比賽的冠、 亞、季軍作品的設計者於席間分享其作品的設計意念,深受在場嘉賓認同與贊賞。

5th October, 2015

“2015 World Architecture Day Celebration Dinner & AAM Awards Ceremony” took place at MGM Grand Ballroom on October 5th. More than hundred members, guests and friends participated. The VIP included: Director of Fire Services Bureau Mr. Ma Io Weng, Director of Transport Bureau Mr. Lam In San, Acting Subdirector of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau Mr. Wong Kin Mou, Administration Council Member of Macao Foundation Mr. Lai Chan Keong, Acting Department Chief of Cultural Heritage Miss Deland Leong Wai Man, Acting Department Chief of Urban Planning Miss Wong Wai Wa, representative of Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau Mr. Cheong Yat Wa, Senior Vice President of MGM Macau Mr. Mel Hansen, President of AAM General Assembly Ar. Ben Leong, President of AAM Board of Directors Ar. Johnathan Wong, President of AAM Supervisory Board Ar. Eddie Wong and Vice President of AAM General Assembly Ar. Paulo Cheang.
Ar. Johnathan Wong gave his welcome address to start the ceremony. Then souvenirs for gratitude were sent to the juri of the competition and the sponsor, supporters of the event. The honorable guests were invited to award certificates to the winners of “Architectural Design Competition - Waterside & Surrounding Enhancement of Lake Nam Van & Lake Sai Van”.
During the meal, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of the competition shared the design idea of their awarded projects.


本次會議的研討內容以「What Future」為主題,出席演說的嘉賓包括清華大學教授、新加坡國立大學教授李曉東、日本K Association建築設計事務所社長、日本東京大學
教 授Waro Kishi、新加坡Kerry Hill建築師事務所董事及建築師Kerry Hill、以及新加坡WOHO建築設計事務所創辦人Wong Mun Summ,探討如何邁向優秀的建築與環境設計,分享對城市未來的發展策略的理念和期望,內容具啟發性。會議期間還舉行了本次博覽會展館的設計競賽、新加坡 建築師協會設計大賽獲獎作品發表典禮、特色建築導覽、以及有來自世界各地參展商參與的建築與環境相關行業的技術、產品及服務的展示博覽會等活動。
會議期間澳門建築師協會代表與新加坡建築師協會資深建築師Ow Chin Cheow先生在新加坡建築師協會的展館內進行了短暫的交流會面,互相分享了兩地協會的會務發展狀況。彼此均期望將來兩地協會能多作互訪,加深兩地建築師的交流。

29th September - 1st October, 2015

ArchXpo 2015 took place at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore on September 29th to October 1st. Vice President of AAM Board of Directors Ar. Donna Wu, board member Ar. Christine Choi and member Ar. Jimmy Wardhanarepresented AAM to participate.
ArchXpo was composted of various activities including the exhibition, symposium, awards of architecture competition, architectural tour and etc. The theme of the symposium this year was “What Future”. Speakers were the scholars and specialists from Singapore, China and Japan.
The AAM delegation also met with Ar. Ow Chin Cheow, a senior member of Singapore Institute of Architects during the event.


Jeffrey Brown先生和新濠博亞娛樂經理Walter Kou先生的接待和現場介紹。逾20位會員出席活動,當中包括黃中原理事長、鄔劍琴副理事長、財務長張巧娟、理事蔡韻璇、姚穎心及黎光豪。

8th September, 2015

With so many new developments at the Cotai Strip, the hotel resorts have brought along with them internationally renowned performances and entertainment shows, paying host to specifically designed venues and theatres. One which is particularly known is the stage design of the House of Dancing Water at City of Dream. Therefore, on September 8th 2015, AAM organized its members a backstage visit to the aforementioned, where participants were able to marvel at the mechanics and facilities that made the show so successful, such as the water tank beneath the stage, the catwalks, lighting, the performers’ costumes, etc. Mr. Jeffrey Brown, Show Manager of Dragone, and Mr. Walter Kou, Manager of HR Analytics of Melco Crown Entertainment welcomed the AAM group and guided the tour. More than twenty members participated, including AAM BD President Johnathan Wong, Vice President Donna Wu, Treasurer Mimi Cheung, board members Christine Choi, Alice Iu and Ryan Lai.


澳 門建築業發展關注小組:澳門建築師協會、澳門工程師學會、澳門工程顧問商會、澳門建築置業商會、澳門建造商會、澳門建築機械工程商會共同舉辦的工料測量入 門課程第二期、第三期結業禮暨行業專題研討會假澳門世貿中心蓮花廳舉行。運輸工務司司長代表土地工務運輸局副局長劉振滄蒞臨致辭,澳門土木工程實驗室區秉 光主席和香港皇家測量師學會林教授擔任研討會主講嘉賓。澳門建築師協會理事長黃中原、副理事長何培基、鄔劍琴、財務長張巧娟、秘書長孔憲成、理事歐陽勇、 姚穎心及甘鳳華等人出席了本次會活動。工料測量入門課程在本澳業界中反應熱烈,至今共完成舉辦了三期課程,近百名學員修讀,並先後於2014年12月和 2015年8月舉行結業禮。目前正開辦第四期課程。

28th August, 2015

Macau Construction Industry Concern Group (six associations), ie. AAM, AEM, AECEM, MABCD, AECM and APMCCM, hosted jointly Workshop for Construction Sector and the Graduation Ceremony of the II & III Courses on Quantity Surveying Introductory, taken place in WTC Lotus Hall. Honourable guest, representative of Secretariat for Transport and Public Works, Deputy Director of DSSOPT Mr. Eng. Lao Chan Chong addressed on the ceremony. Keynote speakers Chairman of LECM Mr. Eng. Ao Peng Kong and Professor Lim from ICES made their speeches. AAM representatives, including Board President Johnathan Wong, Vice-Presidents Jay Ho and Donna Wu, Treasurer Mimi Cheung, Secretary-General Vincent Kong, board members Victor Ao Ieong, Alice Iu and Vivien Kam and etc. attended the event. The Quantity Surveying Introductory Course has an enthusiastic response in the industry and three courses have been run, with nearly one hundred participants graduated. The graduations were taken place in December 2012 and August 2015. The fourth course is currently running.


為 活躍本澳建築界的設計氣氛,鼓勵本會建築師會員發揮創意,澳門建築師協會於2015年3月推出「優化南、西灣湖沿岸和周邊空間建築設計比賽」,4月11日 進行場地視察。比賽反應熱烈,截至5月底,共收到十四份參賽作品,二十多名會員參與其中。比賽評審在2015年7月13日於會址內進行,出席的評判有民政 總署代表羅志堅工程師、文化局代表梁惠文建築師、土地工務運輸局代表Leonel Pinto Cardoso建築師、澳門建築置業商會會長劉永誠工程師、澳門建築師協會資深會員馬斯華建築師及監事長鄭觀偉建築師。最終選出冠軍和亞軍各一名,季軍二 名及優異獎三名。

13th July, 2015

With the aim to stimulate the architectural design spirit of Macau, and to provide a platform for exchange of creative ideas between our members, the Architects Association of Macau launched an architectural design competition “Waterside & Surrounding Enhancement of Lake Nam Van & Lake Sai Van” in March 2015, with a site visit on 11th April. Having an enthusiastic response, the competition attracted more than 20 members to participate. Fourteen entries were received at the end of May. Mr. Eng. Lo Chi Kin from IACM, Ms. Arch. Leong Wai Man from ICM, Mr. Arch. Leonel Pinto Cardoso from DSSOPT, MABCD President Mr. Eng. Tommy Lau, AAM fellow member Mr. Arch. José Maneiras and Supervisory Board President Mr. Arch. Paulo Cheang formed the jury panel and met at AAM’s premises on 13th July. As the result, seven projects got the awards, including one 1st prize, one 2nd prize, two 3rd prizes and three Honourable Mentions.


澳 門建築師協會組織會員到深圳交流考察,共二十位會員參加,包括理事長梁頌衍及理監事雷世顯、鄔劍琴、孔憲成、姚穎心及蔡韻旋等。協會一行首先到訪深圳市勘 察設計行業協會,獲該會會長趙春山、秘書長李良勝、深圳市建築設計研究總院總建築師黃曉東、副總建築師林鎮海熱情接待。深圳市勘察設計行業協會是深圳涵蓋 建築設計等各工程範疇的行業設計組織,同時負責深圳市的建築師註冊及培訓工作,澳門建築師協會藉今次訪問,加強兩地建築師的交流。會後一行在該會負責人陪 同下參觀由世界著名建築設計公司OMA設計的深圳證券交易所新大樓,負責該項目施工圖設計的副總建築師林鎮海全程講解。該建築總高二百四十五點八米,是內 地罕見的巨型懸挑超高層建築。行程同時參觀了獲多項綠色建築大獎的深圳建科大樓、由世界著名的“白色建築設計師”理查·邁耶親自操刀設計的華僑城華會所、 華僑城創意文化產業園區、深圳南山文化中心以及前海自貿區萬科企業公館等多項深圳最新建築及發展區域。參觀項目涵蓋了超高層建築、綠色生態建築、文化產業 創意園區以及新區發展規劃,豐富的行程使本澳年輕建築師擴闊了視野。

13th – 14th June, 2015

AAM organized a group of members to Shenzhen for an architectural visit and friendship exchange. Twenty members, including Board President Ben Leong, Supervisory board member Joe Loi, board members Donna Wu, Vincent Kong, Alice Iu and Christine Choi participated. The AAM group called upon officially the Shenzhen Exploration & Design Association which is a professional association of the building industry in Shenzhen. SZEDA is in charge of the registration and training of architects in Shenzhen. President Zhao Cunshan, Secretary-General Li Liangsheng and etc. received warmly the AAM group. After the meeting, the AAM group visited the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Building designed by OMA. Arch. Lin Zhenhai, who is responsible for the construction drawing of the project, guided the site visit. The group also visited the Shenzhen Clubhouse designed by Richard Meier & Partners Architects, OCT LOFT Creative Industry Zone, Wanke Enterprises Dream Park in QianHai District and etc.


澳 門建築師協會於會址召開2015年度會員大會。會議由大會主席黃如楷主持,理事長梁頌衍和財務長鄔劍琴代表理事會作出2013至2015年度工作報告和財 務報,兩項報告經會員討論及監事會審議後獲大會通過。隨後,協會舉行了新一屆領導層換屆選舉。梁頌衍獲選為會員大會主席,黃中原獲選為理事長、黃如楷將擔 任監事長及馬若龍繼續出任資深委員會主席。黃中原隨即代表新一屆理事會介紹了2015至2017年度的工作計劃,將繼續傳承澳門建築師協會的理念並與時並 進,貫徹協會的宗旨,致力關注會員權益,提升本澳建築設計水平,推動參與有助社會發展的會務工作。

6th July, 2015

AAM general assembly 2015, chaired by President Arch. Eddie Wong, was held at its premises on 6th July 2015. President of Board of Directors Arch. Ben Leong and Treasurer Arch. Donna Wu made the activity report and the financial report of 2013-2015. The reports were approved after the discussion of the members and the deliberation of the Supervisory Board. The association also made the election of the new council for 2015-2017. Arch. Ben Leong is elected to be the President of the General Assembly, while Arch. Johnathan Wong being the President of Board of Directors, Arch. Eddie Wong being the President of Supervisory Board and Arch. Carlos Marreiros being continuously the President of the Senior Committee. Arch. Johnathan Wong, the new President of Board, made his speech and introduced the work plan for 2015-2017.



28th May, 2015

Representing AAM, Board President Ben Leong, Vice-President Johnathan Wong, General Secretary Jay Ho and Treasurer Donna Wu called upon the Land, Public Works and Transport Bureau and had the meeting with Director Mr. Eng. Li Canfeng and Deputy Director Substitute Mr. Eng. Gonçalo Cheong.



17th – 18th April, 2015

Vice President of CIALP and AAM Arch. Rui Leão, and AAM board member Arch. Nuno Soares participated in the IV CIALP Forum and Council meeting, that took place in Panjim, Goa. Organized by The Indian Institute of Architects Goa Chapter, and under the topic “All Worlds, Only One World”, the main themes addressed on the Forum were “The challenge of the cities” and “The challenge of housing”, Arch. Nuno Soares gave a speech on “Macau Informal Housing Prototype”.



30th April – 2nd May, 2015

Being invited by ASA, AAM Board President Arch. Ben Leong went to Bangkok Thailand to attend the Siamese Architects Conference 2015.


澳 門建築師協會應邀赴港參加由香港建築師學會主辦,廣州市工程勘察設計行業協 會、深圳市註冊建築師協會、臺北市建築師公會及澳門建築師協會協辦的2015兩岸四地建築設計論壇及大獎頒獎典禮。本會派出副理長黃中原擔任論壇主持人, 理事蘇偉圖建築師擔任主講嘉賓,發表題為”都市實踐—澳門實驗”之報告。理事長梁頌衍亦出席了有關活動。論壇通過對中華地區的設計思想及行業發展進行探 討,以增進交流並提升兩岸四地的建築設計水準。

28th March, 2015

AAM delegates went to Hong Kong to participate the HKIA Cross-Straight Architectural Design Symposium and Awards 2015. The event was hosted by Hong Kong Institute of Architects, with the collaboration of Guangzhou Association of Geotechnical Survey & Engineering Design, Shenzhen Registered Architects Association, Taipei Architects Association and the Architects Association of Macau. AAM Vice-President of the Board of Directors Arch. Johnathan Wong was appointed to be one of the moderators at CADS. Board member Arch. Nuno Soares was keynote speaker, with a presentation under the theme “Urban Practice - Macau Lab”. Board President Arch. Ben Leong also attended the event. Being an exchange platform, CADS aims to promote design and architectural excellence in Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong.


“2015澳門國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽”在澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店舉行,本屆主題為“綠色經濟─清新空氣  綻放商機”,澳門建築師協會積極參與並設有相關展覽攤位。

26th – 28th March, 2015

AAM participated on the 2015 MIECF which was held in the Venetian Macao – Resort – Hotel. The theme this year is “Green Economy – Solutions for Clean Air”.


為加強會員應用電腦繪製建築立體圖之技能,澳門建築師協會透過澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心開辦Autodesk Revit課程,此乃特區政府2014-2016“持續進修計劃”內所批准之課程。本會共有十六名會員出席。

2nd March, 2015

In order to enhance our members the skill of computer 3D drawing, AAM entrusted the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre to hold the “Autodesk Revit” Course which is the approved course under the SAR Government 2014-2016 “Continuing Education Development Plan”. Sixteen AAM members attended.



12th – 13th February, 2015

Following the nomination of AAM board member Arch. Nuno Soares as Region IV representative for the UIA Education Commission and the UNESCO UIA Validation Council for Architecture Education, he participated on the first meeting in Paris, at the UIA General Secretariat for the UNESCO-UIA Validation Council for Architectural Education, last 12 and 13 of February.



17th January, 2015

Arch. Nuno Soares, board member of AAM and Chairman of the ARCASIA Committee on Architectural Education, participated in ARCASIA Handing over and 1st Office Bearer Meeting, hosted by the Association of Siamese Architects, that took place in Bangkok, Thailand.



22nd January, 2015

Representing AAM, President Eddie Wong, Senior Committee President Carlos Marreiros, Supervisory Board President Paulo Cheang, Board President Ben Leong, Vice-Presidents Johnathan Wong, Rui Leão and Tam Chi Wai visited the new Secretariat for Transport and Public Works, Eng. Raimundo Arrais do Rosário.

2013 – 2015


In order to enhance the friendship between the young architects and to release the tension and pressure of works, the young architects committee of AAM board organized regularly some leisure activities, including playing the table-tennis, for the members.